
VDG Advisory is a pioneering Growth Foundation where global experience meets innovative growth strategies, using digital transformation. We are specialised in Business Advisory, Technology, and Investments. Our knowledge and expertise are built on practical experience and lessons learned from owning and advising small to large firms in a variety of industries.

Core to our services is our Growth Foundation Methodology™ — a method for achieving unlimited, scalable, and exponential growth tailored to the unique DNA of your business.

Partner with our international experts with entrepreneurial mindset. Together, we will identify the gaps and hidden gems and unlock opportunities for growth of your business.

Business Advisory

We approach your business and business architecture from a holistic perspective to advise and support your business to broaden your horizons and unlock potential for growth.

Technology Solution KEY

Our groundbreaking Growth Foundation technology tool, KEY, is designed to catalyse growth and innovation like never before, setting a new standard for how businesses scale and evolve.


The baseline of our Growth Foundation Methodology™


From Top-Down to Forward Thinking

Thinking beyond the status quo, staying ahead of the curve, noticing and adapting to rapidly changing conditions, and seizing opportunities as the driving forces behind innovation, growth and success.


From Data to Wisdom

Data, once raw and unprocessed, becomes information, then knowledge, insight and ultimately wisdom. Digital transformation is the alchemist, transforming the mundane into the profound, ensuring that every data point has the potential to contribute to collective wisdom.


The Best Way to Growth

Maximising the use of all your available knowledge by creating your own integrated business ecosystem. Owning your own unique Knowledge Asset is the growth foundation for your business and the value of your future business.


Empowering Human Knowledge with Technology

Empowering human capacity with computer capacity, enhancing human capacity with flexible, dynamic technology creates business advantages and opportunities.


Integrated Thinking

Understanding the transformative power of business and entrepreneurship as a force for positive transformation, growth and innovation.


Creating Exponential Capabilities and Value

Retaining, building, and owning your Knowledge Asset has become a core value for your business and is your IP. Enhancing your Knowledge Asset through digital transformation creates a core competitive advantage today and is a necessity for tomorrow.

Give your business the freedom to create chances you have never considered.

- Be your Own -

Area of Expertise

Business Innovation Advisory

Business advisory from a holistic perspective with entrepreneurial ethos. VDG Advisory creates insights, let you see around the corner, and create endless opportunities for scalability and exponential growth.

Technology Tool KEY

KEY is the tool to unlock your Growth Foundation. Making all your knowledge useful, dynamic and actionable.

Business Digital Transformation

Advisory on strategic, structural business development based on our Growth Foundation Methodology™.

Technology Architecture

Analysis and refinement of the overarching Technology Architecture of your business with a focus on digital Transformation to meet your strategies, goals and opportunities towards your future.


Deploy our experts, with proven track records, on your board. Position them in the best place to advise and deploy digital transformation strategies to drive future growth of the business in the digital era and provides the right expertise at the right level.


Assessing options available to achieve financing and support. Resolving problems or pursuing strategic goals may require a capital injection (Project, Mezzanine Finance).

Media Links

We are not here to cure insomnia, but having a profound read is a gateway to expanding your horizons.

  • All
  • Knowledge
  • Brain Food
  • KEY

Brain Food

6 Minute Read

Exploring the connection between Digital Transformation and Exponential Business Growth.


7 Minute Read

The imperative of your Unique Knowledge Asset for private AI Application in your Business.

Brain Food

6 Minute Read

Digital Transformation is a Pivotal Principle and the foundation for your Knowledge Asset.

Food for Thought

Empowering entrepreneur network as a force for transformative change for humanity?

Redefine how knowledge is aligned and utilised within your organisation, allowing you to build your own Dynamic Knowledge Asset and vastly enlarge your horizon.

Empowerment through Knowledge?

We believe that owning and controlling your Knowledge Asset is not just a strategy; it is the cornerstone of future success. Our Growth Foundation Methodology is designed to empower your business to own, control, and effectively use your knowledge, transforming it into tangible growth and innovation.

Man and machine in a Unified Neural Network?

Redefine engine from human energy capacity to human manged computer energy capacity. We see the future as Human + Machine as one Unified Neural Network.

Owning your own Knowledge Asset a future ideology?

The value of your business for now and the future is owning your own unique Knowledge Asset. When your Knowledge Asset is tangible and digital, it will increase the value of your future business.


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